Today, expectant mothers can find a wide range of information about staying trendy and in style during pregnancy by reading maternity clothing magazines in print and online.
Pregnancy Magazines and Style
In the first 3-4 months of pregnancy, moms-to-be can make adjustments in their wardrobe to accommodate a fuller bust line and a steadily thickening waist. It's usually easy to find some of your own clothes to use during this adjustment period, but when your belly rounds and you develop that full baby bump, where do you turn to find clothes and ideas to help you still feel fashionable and good about yourself? Maternity clothing magazines are written specifically to help you realize how to dress for your body type, and also offer ideas on how to dress and even play with color as you choose styles right for you.
If you're pregnant and looking for information, the following maternity clothing magazines will be a good place to start:
Pregnancy Magazine
Pregnancy Magazine is written for first-time mothers and targets readers between the ages of 24-36. The magazine supplies in-depth information about pregnancy including the latest medical news, products, and lifestyle wellness information.
Fit Pregnancy
Fit Pregnancy Magazine offers advice to expectant mothers about how to stay fit with exercise and eating right, but a typical issue also includes information about new maternity fashions.
Online Maternity Clothing Magazines
For today's computer savvy generation, plenty of online maternity clothing magazines, or ezines, are available. These web magazines also provide fashion tips for maternity clothing and accessories for the expecting mom in an interactive format.
The following fashion and style ezines are written with the expectant mother in mind:
Blossom-Stylish Maternity Clothes
Blossom-Stylish Maternity Clothes got its start when its developer Barbara Stice realized how many women are conscious of style and fashion even throughout their pregnancy and how most maternity clothing did not fit their fashion needs. She surveyed friends, co-workers, and others from around the country and learned that many found the maternity market insufficient for the fashion-conscious expectant mother. Today, she provides maternity clothing and accessories along with other information including more about brands, what sizes to buy, style tips, and helpful articles.
Stay Your Fashionable Best
Pregnancy does not mean you have to give up your fashion sense. Today's maternity clothes offer plenty of trendy fashion ideas to help you stay in touch with the style conscious you. Take the time to make yourself feel and look great.
Here are a few more sources for additional online magazines highlighting and even selling maternity clothing: