Fertility Drugs and Treatments Often Used After Clomid

Fertility specialist holding a bottle of medication

Couples who are having trouble with conception may be prescribed other fertility drugs after Clomid. Typically, Clomid is the first line of defense when trying to increase a woman's fertility.


Clomipohene citrate (Clomid) is a relatively inexpensive fertility drug intended to induce ovulation. It works with the body's estrogen receptors to jump start a woman's reproductive system. Taken orally, it's one of the first drugs typically prescribed to help increase fertility levels. While a small percentage of women experience side effects from the drug, it's been used for over 30 years to help women ovulate.

Fertility Drugs after Clomid

There are many cases when Clomid doesn't do the trick. For whatever reasons, it's not effective and leaves a couple wondering how they're going to become pregnant and eventually have a healthy baby.

Luckily, due to technology and scientific research, there are other options available to couples. There are a wide variety of fertility drugs after Clomid and other treatments on the market today.


This is the most commonly prescribed fertility drug after Clomid. Stronger than Clomid, it is also a drug designed to help a woman ovulate. As this is a stronger form of drug, the chances of multiple births is increased. The side effects of this drug are similar and comparative to Clomid.

Lupron and Danazol

These two drugs, used to suppress ovulation, are prescribed in addition to other treatments. They are commonly used in cases of endometriosis and in conjunction with high-tech invasive infertility treatments.


In vitro fertilization is performed in cases when the fallopian tubes have a blockage. Typically, Pergonal, Lupron, and the hormones hCG and progesterone are prescribed along with this treatment. This takes nearly two months to complete because it's such a lengthy process. The eggs are harvested from the woman and fertilized within the laboratory. The fertilized egg is planted into the uterus with anticipation of a healthy pregnancy.


GIFT stands for Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer. Similar to in vitro fertilization, the fertilized egg is actually transplanted into the fallopian tubes. If IVF failed, this is a treatment with a much higher success rate. This treatment depicts normal conception, as the egg must travel through the fallopian tubes.


Intrauterine insemination is also called artificial insemination. This is a good option when the man's sperm count is low or if the woman's cervical fluid is not of the proper quality. Sometimes, there are no explanations for a couple's fertility problems and this may be a solution at that point. The sperm is taken from the man and placed directly into the woman's uterus using a catheter.


Sometimes a man's sperm is unable to penetrate the woman's egg. This process actually injects a sperm into the egg. The egg is then inserted into the uterus via IVF.

Ovum Transfer

Some women just don't produce eggs healthy enough for fertilization or any eggs at all. This procedure takes an egg from a donor, fertilizes it, and places it within a woman's uterus.


Zygote Intra-Fallopian Transfer resembles GIFT, except that it's used when a man's sperm levels are low. Once the egg is fertilized, it grows to the zygote stage in the lab. At this point, the zygote is placed into a woman's fallopian tubes.

Many Options

In these days, a couple doesn't have to be resigned to never having children if their fertility is an issue. There are many, many options available to them. However, the down side to all of this is that many insurance companies fail to pay for fertility treatments. These procedures are often very expensive and aren't always successful the first time attempted. But, increasing technology and research, the future is unknown and more options will be available. Finding the right fertility drug after Clomid is just one step.

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Fertility Drugs and Treatments Often Used After Clomid